Saturday, April 26, 2014

How EU can create more than 7 millions jobs in less than 7 months Example nr 1

EU had failed 7 times with 7 differents projects which had been elaborated  in order to create jobs In some of them instead to

teach entrepreneurs what they have to do to get high  profit in very short time ,increase sales with more than 25 %

 using only new mwedia and digital science advantages ,they had launched a stupid programme in which EU pays companies which will employe people

This programme apart of being so stupid it will

Friday, April 25, 2014

How EU can create more than 7 millions jobs in less than 7 months Example nr 2

Eu have more than 25 millions companies If just 2.5 millions of them will learn how they can get more than 25 % profit in less than 75 days ,

they will like immediatly to take benefit from this situations Given that for this purpose they will need at least 3 employes

who had  learned special things which  had link with digital and economic science ,by this occassion  it will be created more than 7 millions jobs

This and some others projects are based in God Governance and the 5 majic Ts Principles

As you will see this project about how EU can create  more than 7 millions jobs in less than 7 months is  very genuine because

How EU banks can get more than 7 millions new clients in less than 7 months

Strategics investors are leaving EU billions euro are going out from EU economy and millions people are had already loose their jobs and some other millions wil get unemployed in the next period

 Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria ,Luxembourg bankers ,professionals banks employes their families and realatives are living in a panic situation because they know they will lose their jobs ,
Giving the gravity of this situation if France ,Austria  ,Italy ,UK ,Belgium extremist parties will use this issue they will make people to get revolted and take strong actions against their Government
In order to help those countries to solve this problem and in the same time present a genuine concept which will help EU banks to get more than 7 millions new clients in less than 7 months  i had done the following thing

1) In the first stage i had created a list o business opportunities which bring more than 25% in less than 75 days ,and identified different economic activity domain entrepreneurs can invest monday and start to get high profit in friday

Givin that a large number od world wild investors ,entrepreneurs will like to know about those businesses opportunities ,i had done things in such a way they can know that if they will like to get informations about how to take advantages of this they will have to oppen a new bank account in Romania for example

2) Giving that is very importsnt to mske a large umber of world wild investors and entrepreneurs to know about those advantages ,we had created a digital platfiorm fro what Romanians ,Moldovans ,Ucranians ,Polish citizens who live abroad will promote those businesses opportunities and get cash money
Taking into consideration that for this purpose they will have to oppen a new bank account in Romania ,this way we will help Romanians banks to get a large number of new clients in  short time



1) Given that those who are going to promote those business opportunities and get cash money are leaving in countries as France ,UK ,Germany ,Italy ,Spain ,Austria ,and they will spend the money in those countries ,like this they will help the economy of those countries
2) Taking into consideration that revolted citizens who are against immigrations will know that this project will bring billions Euros which are going to be spend in those countries ,they will see for the first time in history that immigration trends are bringing billions euro to their country
3) As a big part of Romanians who have been commiting crimes in different EU countries will get cash money promoting those business opportunities this project will help EU to reduce in a very positive way rime rates
4) According to this project concept after a certain period of time when Romanians , Moldovans ,Ucranians ,Polish citizens will get used to receive big amount of money promoting those businesses opportunities they wil know that fro a certain period just those who will live in Romania ,Ucraina ,Moldovia ,Poland ,Bulgaria ,will have the righ to get money promoting those things Using this strategy a big part of them will decide to go back to their country
5) This project will give zero chance for corruption and abuse in what is concerning European founding process and in the same time reduce useless money spending ,birocracy

but this is not all because billions of euros will go out from EU banks .Despite the situation gravity Germany, France,Italy Belgium ,Austria Luxembourg up to now did not make what is necessary in order to help their citizens to reduce panic ,and also to motivate strategics investors to keep invsting their money in EU
Given the gravity of this situaion

 we will come back to present informations about this situations and what must be done to help Eu banks to get more than 7 millions new consumers in less than 7 months

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Panic in EU 100% Transparency and possibility ZERO for corruption


Great and  historical revolution in what is concerning Good Governance and the five magics T principles

For the first time in EU history things will change  in a radically mode not just because it will be assured 100% transparency and possibility ZERO for corruption

but it will be solved millions of problems which

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Majority of EU Universities are responsable for millions of problems which are affecting EU

Students and losing time wasting money and compromise their career styding in a University which are not ranked less than 200- 300
Students and their parents must rise  UP  and oblige EU authorities to  take strong  actions against those Educations institutes 

EU political parties must support students and their parents in those actions because of the folloing situation 

Those problems are affecting more than 99.7 citizens aged more than 18 and those who are taking profit from this  situation are very few 
Because of this, Europe Union political parties  have nothing to lose if they will give an oppend support for students and their parents By this ocassion  EU Governments   can have a great chance to make people understand that Majority of EU Universities are the major responsable for millions of problems which are affecting EU citizens Given this politicians and EU authorities must support students but this is not all because separetet from this they can also  take strong actions against those responsables for those situations because 

How moderates parties can stop national and extremist parties to get votes in the last 100m

In this document we will present a very genuine digital and political marketing concept

which will help EU  moderate  parties to stop extemist, fascist and xenofobe parties  from geting votes in the last 15 -20 days of the election campaign

How this will be possible ?

According to new digital political marketing we have  got special group of electors which have power 5 This mean they can convince their parents ,grand parents ,families ,relatives ,employers ,colegs ,friends to vote a certain party  Apart of this

How Students can convince their parents ,grand parents and friends to vote a certain party in the last 100m

Apart of bankers ,entrepreneurs professionals ,benks employes ,students are also a power 5 elector category

In a certain condition ,they can convince their parents ,grand parents ,families ,relatives  ,colegs ,friends to vote for  a certain party

Apart of this they have a capacity to make a usefull information to go from a computer to hundreds ,thousands and  dozens of thousands and all this is a very short time

For this purpose they need to see

Big list of EU mistakes which can be used by Nationalist and extremist parties

1) Taking into consideration that anything which are linked with Russia have a great power to sensibilisize EU electors ,if National and extremist EU

will make EU electors to know that majority of EU businesses need energia from Rusia and if UE entrepreneurs will choose to invest

in digital economy they will depends on USA tools ,this will make millions of EU citizens to get revolted

because Rusia had been made research and they had suceeded to find alternative for google ,Facebook yahoo, platforma but unfortunatly EU did not

2) EU parents are so revolted because their kids email adress and telefphone number arrive in the hand of foreign and this is happening  because