Solutions to create a large number of jobs in short time ,atract investors ,turists ,know how transfer events partecipants 25Greek regions and Islands where investments can bring more that 25% profit in less than 25 weeks ,Economic areas where money invested monday can strart to bring high profit Friday Projects which can offer possibility for pupils and students to win money while they are studying helping their Educations Institute to implment certain projects which will bring billions euros to Greek economy
I am Alberto Rodrigues an economic and digital science researcher Given that mr Daniel Baptista Lima and Mr Noni Lima had brough a good contribution in Greek fotbal in such difficult moment for Greece economy as an economic and digital science researcher i would like to bring a contribution by prezenting viable solution which can help the country to attract billions euros from outsite and create a large number of jobs in Tourism ,transport ,construction ,real estate ,agriculture ,fishing industry , art and entertainment ,research and know how transfer activities ,food industry ,artesanat ,ecologic industry ,commerce ,new media ,service ,advertising ,multimedia production ,publishing ,digital economy and dozens of some other activities which are direct related with those
How this is possible ?
Given that one of the best way to create a large number of jobs in short time is to develop know how transfer industries which can be combined with special touristics products in this document i will present a know how about what can be done to help Greece to create such a big number of jobs in short time and in the same time to implement some other projects which will offer possibility for pupils and students to win money while they are studying helping their Education Institute to implement certain projects which ar going to bring to Greek economy billions euros
In the other hand as the country must start givin a positive signal to strategics investors and in the same time do what is necessary to attract them
i Alberto Rodrigues , in order to motivate a part of strategics investors and entrepreneurs to come to invest in Greece i had created a list of
i Alberto Rodrigues , in order to motivate a part of strategics investors and entrepreneurs to come to invest in Greece i had created a list of
investments opportunities which can bring high profit in short time and in the same time identified Greek economic areas where money invested monday can start to bring high profit in friday Given that is very important to make a large number of world wild investors to know about investments opportunities i had created a sophisticated digital science platphorme though what Greek students ,unemployed and those who works and receive low salaries to promote such investments opportunities and get more than 700 euro apart of their salaryGiven that the money will reprezent just 15% of the all incomes such project will bring to Greek economy ,and EU can finance with priority such projects which can help Greece to promote those investments opportunities ,this will solve not just several problemes which are affecting the country but it will also give a very positive sign to strategics investors
Apart of this as Greeks have several beautifullies Islands i had created 25 Greek regions where money invested can bring more than 25 % profit in less than 25 weeks
Given the Greek actually economic situation strategics investors can come to invest in Greece only if they can get high profit in short time Due to those realities the only way to motivate them to come is to present them such investment opportunities i had refered
Given that a certain kind of investors who have as target pupils and students in the moment they will know that Greece are implementing certain project which are giving pupils and students possibility to win money while they are studying ,they will be interested to come to invest in Greece ,i had elaborated differents projects which can offer pupils and students opportunity to win money while they are studing helping their Education Institute to implement certain projects which will bring billions euros to Greek economy
In adition with those, as Greek have a large number of citizens who are living abroad i had created a special concept project though what Greece can get hundred millions euros from his diaspora and in the same time some other which can help the Greed National Radio , Tv ,journals to bring from outside the country dozens millions euros and in the same time create more jobs and increase salaries for those who are working know
In paralel with those very important projects i can bring also a TIPS ( Tourists ,investors ,Partecipants at know how transfer events ,foreign students ,) Know How ,which will help the country to get some others dozens billions euros in very short time
The concept is based in several innovative principles which will motivate Universities ,Grammar schools ,local and regional authorities ,Political parties to implement TIPS projects in every village ,city ,region etc
Given that by this ocassion those TIPS projects will help the country to attract a large number of Turists ,Investors ,partecipants at know how transfer events ,foreign students it will be created jobs all over the country in villages ,cities ,regions etc
Until then is very important to be created know how transfer events products ,special touristics programmes ,short therm course Given that such know how transfer events will be combined with special touristics products by this occasion it will be created a large number of jobs in Tourism ,transport ,construction ,real estate ,agriculture ,fishing industry , art and entertainment ,research and know how transfer activities ,food industry ,artesanat ,ecologic industry ,commerce ,new media ,service ,advertising ,multimedia production ,publishing ,digital economy and dozens of some other activites which are direct related with those
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